Perseverance and passion color many aspects of Janet Long’s life. A long-distance runner, she constantly pushes not only herself but fellow runners to go the distance, always urging them on with a smile. Her Run for Rollstone is an important annual fundraiser for the organization. In her work as an Acquisitions Supervisor with the Suffolk County Department of Economic Development & Planning Division of Real Estate, Janet’s role is to purchase land for drinking water protection, parkland and farmland development rights, a task she undertakes with diligence and dedication to environmental and economic responsibility. Here she shares her perspective on the impact Rollstone Foundation has had on her.
Q: What drew you to the Rollstone Foundation?
A: I was so impressed that there were people out there willing to adopt children with special needs, something I didn’t think I could ever do. They are truly angels on this earth. I knew I could raise funds to help them, so I started my Run for Rollstone fundraising in 2012, and joined the Board in 2013.
Q: How has being so involved with Rollstone changed you?
A: It truly puts everything in perspective and helps me to keep focused on what really matters in this life….helping other people. I’ve been so blessed to have so many people in my life — family, friends and acquaintances — be so generous and support this incredible foundation. Once people are aware of what we do, they are always willing to support us.
Q: As a member of the Grant Committee, you see firsthand the plight of these children. Tell us about that experience.
A: Being on that committee is actually what’s most challenging and most rewarding. This group chooses who will be getting grant money and who won’t. I’ve cried all the way home after more than a handful of those meetings. Truly heart wrenching.
Q: What do you want others to know about Rollstone?
A: I’d like the world to know about these amazing families doing God’s work and about this grass roots foundation trying to help bring these children home. Often, the child being adopted, is a matter of life or death.
Published by: Admin
March 7, 2018
Rollstone Foundation is a non-profit 501(c)3 organization with the mission of aiding in the adoption of Special Needs Children worldwide.
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